Complete your Enrollment

If you would like to make any changes or view information about your benefits for the 2023 plan year please register below. Company Identifier: EPWU

El Paso Water Online Enrollment Center
Powered by: TEB
Company Code: EPWU

Company Identifier: EPWU
El Paso Water Benefits Information
How to Register

Click here to access a copy of your benefits summary under the City of El Paso. 
Still have questions? Contact Us!

Technical Support: 855-687-9887

EP Water Benefits Department 915-594-5533

Erica Ronkartz 915-594-5448

Rose Sanchez 915-594-5533

Ready to get started? Please Register and create a profile online. 

Company Identifier: EPWU
If you are only increasing 10,000 on your Supplemental Life Insurance and you would not like to make any other changes, fill out the form below:
Click -> ​​​​​​​FORM
If you would like to make any changes or view information about your benefits for the 2023 year plan please register. 
Company Identifier: EPWU
Company Identifier: EPWU